Hip Hop Performances and Exemplars

Hello families,

I have had many requests to share videos of the students Hip Hop performances. Unfortunately, due to the closing of the school and the schedule for the final Thursday/Friday I was not able to get videos of each group's performance. I had planned on filming the remaining groups on the Monday during their final session with Ajay, but was unable due to the closure of the school. I apologize to those classes that do not have a video of their hard work. All groups did exceptionally well and should be proud of their personal style (STEEZE as Ajay would say) and for taking the risk of learning new moves and grooves.

Here are the video performances I captured and am able to share:
*Kindergarten & Mme. Kelly/Mme. Amanda's groups is captured by rows as those videos were taken for assessment purposes and not with the original intention of sharing*

Here is the link to the videos of Ajay performing each dance, should your children wish to continue practicing their grooves.


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