Week 7

Hello Varsity families!

With Thanksgiving long weekend behind us this was a short week. Students in grades 2 to 5 continued to work on cooperation and teamwork through specific teambuilding games as well as learn a new fitness exercise, the squat. Students in grades K and 1 were working on their jump rope skills and learning how to perform a squat.

Please ask your child what to do to perform a squat properly (on our heels, feet shoulder width apart, back your butt up, thighs flat - en français: sur les talons, jambes écartés, reculer les fesses, cuisses plat)

LACES!! It is great that students are learning to tie their own shoes and I encourage you to practice as often as possible at home. If your child is not able to do their own laces in under 45 seconds, please consider sending velcro or slip on shoes to school for the time being as tying up laces can take up a lot of time during phys ed. Also, I have made a video for how to do up laces a specific way which is very effective at keeping the laces tied tight without having to double knot.


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