Week 12 & 13

Hello parents!

Grades 4 and 5 families - please ensure the COP forms are completed and returned ASAP. Thank you to those that have already submitted them.

It was great to see so many families on Thursday during parent teacher conferences. I know some waited around to speak with me but didn't get the chance. If you would like to speak with me about your child's progress or any concerns/questions you may have please do not hesitate to contact me. My email is tbcassidy@cbe.ab.ca Please bare in mind that I am one teacher for over 460 students, I will do my best to respond to your request in a timely fashion.

A big thank you to all the families that donated some of their Halloween candy to I can for kids. Thanks to your generosity we were able to raise over 65 lbs.

This week and last we have been continuing to work on throwing and catching by playing variations of volleyball. Below is a list of learning outcomes we have been reviewing and practicing. Students in grades 3 and up competed a self-evaluation of their abilities in relation to recent learning goals: I can communicate with my teammates, I can throw with precision, I can perform a lunge properly.

Grades 4 & 5
- Underhand serve
- Bump & pass
- Intro to the game of volleyball
- Athletic stance when catching
- Hitting ball up high
- Eye contact

Grades 2 & 3
- Underhand serve
- Bump (grade 3) & pass
- Athletic stance review when catching
- Hitting ball up high
- Eye contact

Grades K & 1
- Athletic stance when catching
- Underhand serve (grade 1 only)
- Being a good partner

We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Mayor's Food Bank Drive until December 19.  Items can include:  Pasta sauce, granola bars, juice boxes, powdered milk, stage three baby food, peanut butter, pasta, rice, soup cans or packages, cereal, oatmeal, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned beans, canned fruit, pancake/bread/biscuit mixes, gluten-free pasta, etc.  Thank you for your support!


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