Week 17

This week we began our gymnastics unit. Students have been introduced to our overarching gymnastics learning goal: learning how to move our bodies in different ways and in control. More specifically, we have been learning about unique ways to move around and what a good pose looks like. 

Students have also been learning about safety rules and how to be prepared to participate safely in gymnastics. Here is the information shared with them:
  • Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required – sweats and a t-shirt work best). 
  • Tight fitting clothing is preferable as loose fitting or baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing. 
  • All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (please leave at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, dangling or hoop earrings etc…
  • Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. If your child has long hair please send them with hair elastics or scrunchies. 
  • Students will be participating barefoot. Students with foot injuries or other health issues (planter’s warts) will be allowed to wear shoes. Please check your child’s feet for any concerns.

This week students will be using mats and low level equipment to continue to develop their movement and balance skills as well as learning how to jump and land safely. This is all in preparation for creating their own routine, which will also begin this week.

We have had a request from https://everactive.org/  an organization that promotes sport and activity in schools across Alberta, for donations of gently used hockey or ski/snowboard helmets. They are trying to take some students skating for the first time and are struggling to find helmets, preferably larger sizes for the older students. If you have a helmet you are no longer using and would like to donate please have your child bring it to school and they can give it to M. Trevor. Donations will be accepted until Thursday. Thank you for your support.


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