Week 23

This week students got to spend some time playing hockey. Students were introduced to how to hold the stick, safety rules when playing in the gym at Varsity (keep those sticks down!) and how to control the puck. We played a variety of games and drills that helped students explore those skills.

We also had a special visit from the World Junior's trophy, thank you to Tyler Dietrich (Beckett's dad) for bringing it by for the school to see and hold.

We will continue with hockey next week, Hip Hop with Ajay starts the week of March 2nd. Make sure to mark your calendars for the evening performance night, Monday March 16.

Reminder if your child is having difficulty keeping their shoelaces tied they might still be a bit young for laces. Velcro or elastic laces work really well, especially in grades K to 3. If they are using laces but need some extra practice here is a video of the method I use which works really well at staying done up and coming undone.


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